Inspired by Nell Hill’s
I found this photo of Mary Carol Garrity’s door mirror in Nell Hill’s Entertaining in Style (2006), while looking for a smaller door mirror inside a wreath, also from Nell Hill’s.
If you have visited the Garrity home, you will recognize the door. The mirror is tied with a black and orange gingham check ribbon and adorned with berries for Halloween.
The photo inspired me to embellish the small mirror I found at HomeGoods this week.
Back Porch Musings version of the door mirror.
The bedraggled bittersweet vine was found in my seasonal storage. The black and white checked ribbon is from my supply of ribbons. I think I will see if I can find a new vine before I put the mirror on the front door for Autumn. I used the old vine just to get an idea of how I want to do the mirror.
Actual Fall decorating, at our home, is still at least a month away. Plenty of time to tweak the mirror.
Having a glass door is a tad challenging for things like this mirror. It needs a smaller less heavy mirror, than the one in the inspiration photo. I hope my little mirror holds up okay through the season.
A Day Trip
Bright and early Monday morning, J, Molly and I piled into the truck and drove to the lake. The plan was to clean out a closet at the condo and return home during early afternoon.
I wanted to make a quick stop at Evergreen, Osage Beach, before going to the condo. Fall has arrived at Evergreen. I needed a thing or three to refurbish a wreath and fill a basket.
While at Evergreen our agent called to tell us someone wanted to see the condo. This meant our work day would begin after noon. It also meant we had to kill a little time.
I found what I needed at Evergreen, then J decided we would drive to Camdenton, because he has craved a Black Diamond Watermelon all Summer and he knew just where he could find one in Camdenton. Finding the perfect watermelon killed a little bit of time, but not quite enough. That is when I suggested a stop at HomeGoods.
There is method to my madness…
Faux Fall foliage, burlap ribbon, and a galvanized wall pocket were found at Evergreen.
The pillows, from HomeGoods, are for the hearth room.
As usual, I found lots of nifty things at HomeGoods. The metal garden cage/enclosure will hold pumpkins and leaves, after Fall officially arrives. The tablecloths and napkins are just because.
I am guest posting at Brenda’s Cozy Little House, today. Stop by for a look at our cozy little condo at Lake of the Ozarks.