Even though our back porch is fairly small, we like to think it packs a good punch. Perfect for sitting and sipping wine, tea, or coffee, or reading, or napping. It suits us and has served us well over the years.
Awhile back, we ordered outdoor wicker rocking chairs for the back porch. After one delay after another and finally learning the chairs would not arrive until the middle of July, we cancelled the order and went shopping.
We found these two swivel rockers, a three cushion sofa and coffee table at Sam’s. We purchased the four piece set. We are using the other pieces on the patio, where we need new seating. More about the patio, soon.
I found these pillows and the new outdoor rug at Lowe’s. The green cushions were included with the chairs and sofa.
Summertime mantel and hearth on the back porch. The sign reads, Come Sit On My Porch.
We purchased the butterfly at Screen Door in Asheville North Carolina a few years ago. The birdhouses on the mantel are from Grafton Illinois about 20 years ago. The one on the hearth has our address number at the farm and our name. A lighthouse birdhouse sitting on the porch floor, is also from Grafton.
The gate is vintage. The mantel was built for us and we stained it.
This summertime porch story would not be complete without a mouse tale. Do you remember the galvanized container of ivy, hanging from the green cabinet?
The ivy has been replaced by this tin Welcome sign. The other morning, I noticed potting soil on the floor, under the ivy container. At first we thought it might be a bird, perhaps a wren, nesting in the container.
Upon further inspection, J determined a field mouse had moved in and made herself at home.
She must have heard how popular burlap is right now. She was diligently shredding threads from the ribbon holding the galvanized container and turning them into a cozy nest for her family.
J set a trap to no avail. The cheese went missing and that was all that happened. Ms Mouse escaped. The burlap ribbon has been removed from the container and the container now sits on the patio.
Setting a supper table for two in green, white, and dragonflies.
We enjoy many meals on the back porch through all the seasons. It’s fun setting tables for two on this table, which is just a little taller than normal table height.
I removed the bowl of succulents and moved the chairs around for easier seating, before setting the table. They can be put back, after the meal, with little effort.
The accent pillows were included with the new patio furniture.
Most of the time I try to keep outdoor tables as simple as possible. You can do pretty, without doing a lot.
This table has placemats from Kohl’s clearance a couple of years ago. Pier One dragonfly napkin rings, black and white gingham napkins, mismatched flatware, simple white dinner plate, green leaf accent plate, an ice cream dish and a cut glass beverage stem.