An Update Friday 2/10
Jim was admitted to hospital today, after seeing his cardiologist, following his out of town hospitalization last weekend. His physician has ordered various tests to be taken care of over the weekend...with an angioplasty Monday...when it will be determined if he needs a pacemaker.
All the tests and angiograms are familiar to Jim. The only thing new will be the pacemaker if needed.
Will continue to keep you updated.
Thanks so much for prayers!
I left a comment at Laurie’s, last week, telling her if we could get home from the lake I would be at the party, with bells on. Little did I know we might run into an obstacle or two.
By now, most of you have heard about J’s little fainting spell, in Jefferson City, last Saturday. If not, here is a brief review. We were on our way home from the lake and stopped in Jeff City for lunch. Before the food arrived Jim passed out. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital in Jeff City.
Our daughter and son in law drove over from Saint Louis, Saturday evening. Son in law took Molly and truck to their home. Daughter stayed till Sunday evening. I rented a car and booked a room, prepared for a few days in Jeff City.
J was diagnosed with heart disease around 25 or so years ago. Right away, Saturday, we thought heart or stroke. The stay at the hospital was familiar, except this time the location had changed.
Early Monday morning, J had a stress test. Other tests were done and it was determined the tests were normal. There was no indication of heart attack or stroke. He was released from hospital Monday night. We stayed that night in Jeff City and returned home yesterday morning (Tuesday). J has an appointment with his cardiologist, this week. We hope to find out the reason for what happened and get it fixed or managed.
We are very appreciative of the staff at Saint Mary’s Hospital, Jefferson City, paramedics, and folks at the restaurant.
This table is dedicated to my Valentine.
Above photo of J and Molly was taken this morning, February 8.
Just because…
Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers!